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Let's bank on low carbon

"We can bail out a bank with billions overnight, but it seems we can't decide what to do when it comes to energy"


Hydroelectric dam threatens livelihoods and endangered species in landlocked Laos

"Dam would block fish migrations that feed millions of people in region and threaten Irrawaddy dolphins and giant catfish"

Category: Energy sources


Pracitcal way to remove atmospheric carbon invented

"Climate expert claims to have developed cleanest way of fixing CO2 in 'biochar' for burial on an industrial scale"

Category: Climate Change


Device turns pink before you do

"Researchers have developed an indicator that turns an appropriate shade of pink to alert wearers of sunburn."

Category: Radiation


Questions over ratings as Coke publishes carbon footprint

Can you truely compare items such as food and drink for their carbon footprint of production? Or does it take something a little more sophisticated?

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1386 to 1390 out of 2977